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Many homeowners are guilty of taking home safety for granted.  Life gets busy, let’s face it.  Sometimes we’re running around so much that things that are out of sight are, quite literally, out of mind.  Here we outline things in and around your home to consider a little more carefully to be sure you have a safe haven for you and your family.


We’ve all heard of it, but many people do not realize exactly how many products might contain asbestos.  Most people associate asbestos with insulation, but it can also be found in roofing shingles and linoleum flooring.  It’s important to determine if your home has products containing asbestos.  This is especially important if you plan on doing any demolition or remodeling, as asbestos becomes airborne when broken up.


Lead pant was banned in the late 1970s.  If you live in a home built after that time, lead pain shouldn’t be a concern.  However, if your home was painted prior to that time, chances are you have lead paint on your walls.  You can purchase a test kit which will let you know if it is indeed present.  If you determine you do have lead paint, removal must be handled by a professional.

VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds)

Less heard of, VOCs are present in new carpeting and furniture and also fresh paint.  VOCs, which are chemicals in these products that release gas, can cause headaches, nausea and sore throats.  It’s important to ventilate the house when bringing in new furniture or painting.  Ventilation will help to remove the gases as quickly as possible to minimize the effects.

Carbon Monoxide

Referred to as the silent killer, Carbon Monoxide is odorless, tasteless and colorless.  A carbon monoxide leak can generate from appliances, heaters and cars.  Undetected leaks can lead to sickness, brain damage or death.  Always be sure to have carbon monoxide detectors on every level of your home, basement and garage.


Mold can grow in any number of places.  The most common areas include anywhere moisture can build up, such as under floors, basements, and even inside ductwork.  You can remove mold with commercial cleansers, but to further prevent mold from developing you might want to invest in a dehumidifier and fans.

Termites and Carpenter Ants

Both of these pests can cause extensive damage to your home.  If you believe there’s a possibility you might have these pests in your home, call for an inspection.


This is another gas that is tasteless, odorless and colorless, making it a danger to your family if left undetected.  Radon is present in very small degrees in all homes as it is a gas that enters through foundation cracks and even the smallest gaps around your pipes.  If high levels are present, it acts as a carcinogen which can lead to any number of health issues, including cancer.  Radon test kits are available online or at your local hardware store.

You can certainly take steps to prevent many of the above hazards, such as installing carbon monoxide detectors and running a dehumidifier.  If you believe any of these hazards are causing a problem, an inspection could save your home, and more importantly, your family.